When A Misapplied Gauge Led to Crisis

| | Know-how

When A Misapplied Gauge Led to Crisis, WIKA Offered the Solutions Just as life always throws us a curveball, in business there’s always some heartache along the way to a happy ending. WIKA noted this awhile back when a petroleum refinery had trouble with misapplied …

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Recurring Gauge Failure

| | Know-how

There are plenty of articles and sites about automobiles and their woes. In an era of sophisticated cars packed with a myriad of electronic gizmos and digital instrumentation, quality gauges are essential to an automobile’s longevity—and its owner’s long-term …

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Is That Gauge Right For That Pump?

| | Know-how

Are your gauges compliant with plant specifications? Perhaps you aren’t aware of what the specifications are. It’s not uncommon. However, gauges are designed to be used under specific conditions. If used outside of those conditions, the lifetime of a gauge can be …

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