Pressure Gauge Calibration

Modern pressure gauges are remarkably robust and accurate, but over time they lose their accuracy. This means gauges must be calibrated regularly if they are to continue to provide accurate readings. Gauge calibration is often recommended before installation, as part of a preventative maintenance initiative, during shutdowns, and for annual ISO audits.

WIKA’s Calibration Lab for pressure gauge calibration

WIKA’s full-service, ISO 17025 accredited calibration lab is available to help you with pressure gauge calibration or to repair or refit any damaged gauges. For damaged devices, our experienced technicians can replace gauge movements, windows, pointers.  They can also replace and reset pointers and make necessary adjustments to bring your gauges back into published accuracy specifications.  All returned products are recalibrated before being shipped back to the customer.

Gauge Shelf Life and Calibration Intervals

Pressure gauges are typically calibrated before they leave the manufacturing facility. A properly stored gauge in a warehouse or parts store room may not need recalibrating for some time.  Accuracy verification prior to installation is recommended as a gauge does not stay calibrated indefinitely. After installation, it is recommended to do the pressure gauge calibration at least once a year. This applies to all gauges in all industries, no matter the application. Many companies, especially in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device sectors, do the pressure gauge calibration every three to six months to keep processes optimized and prevent expensive quality control errors. The consequences of quality control errors in these industries are significant, including having to throw away entire production batches, large fines, and even direct FDA oversight, so pressure gauge calibration is a high priority. One or two small quality control errors can lead to millions of dollars of losses.

Plant Pressure Gauge Calibration Cycles

Most process plants rotate pressure gauges and other instruments based on their calibration cycle or during quarterly or semi-annual shutdowns. Spare gauges (parts on the shelf or in inventory) are calibrated just before they are scheduled to be installed. The devices that are removed are then scheduled for calibration so they will ready for use in the next cycle. Setting up a regular pressure gauge calibration cycle minimizes the chances of inaccurate pressure readings, as well as improving monitoring and oversight of your processes. If you have pressure gauges or other instruments that need calibrating, contact WIKA’s professional calibration lab at to get the job done right. In most cases we can have the calibrated and/or repaired gauge back to you within five business days.

2 Responses to
  1. Industrial Technician

    Is there such a thing present that once an instrument such as a pressure gauge is manufactured with said date(Date of Manufacture)…Will there also be an end of life date for that gauge even if that gauge has been in service IE an expiration date?

    • Ashley Jackson

      We do have a number of customers that set due dates for their gauges. Generally, this is the customer’s responsibility to designate but if the customer specifies beforehand what calibration interval they would like or a due date specified we can add a label in accordance with their request.

      Best Regards,

      Mathew Brown

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