Whether you’re manufacturing a cutting-edge agricultural combine or multi-million-dollar mining truck, you need more from your instrument supplier than just off-the-shelf sensors. You need a partner with broad instrument industry knowledge to help you build the highest-quality mobile working machines at the lowest cost. A partner should be so much more than a provider of products or services. When you partner with WIKA, you enter into an active relationship to develop and maintain competitive advantages for your business. This collaborative process means supporting and leveraging the skill sets of both teams in order to achieve a balanced purchasing relationship. For our partners in the mobile working machines industry, WIKA is pleased to offer a series of workshops that focus on production, logistics, and innovation. You can’t improve what you don’t measure. These one-on-one sessions are designed to measure priorities and identify process pain points – with the goal of providing creative, cost-effective solutions. WIKA has designed three types of one-on-one consultations – products, logistics, and value innovation – specifically for off-road machinery.

Product Workshop

This workshop is, in essence, a brainstorming session involving your technical staff and WIKA engineers. We work together to systematically analyze your operations and then come up with solutions. Industry research shows that a well-designed supplier development program can lead to a 30–40% improvement in the first-pass part approval rate in the industrial equipment industry. First-pass approval is a big deal in the manufacturing industry, including for mobile working machine manufacturers, as key part redesign costs can easily hit six or seven figures.

Logistics Workshop

Your business relies on a dependable, responsive supply chain. In the real world, however, customs and infrastructure failures can cause delays and interruptions. WIKA proactively minimizes these risks with a system of redundancies. Our network of subsidiaries, located in 40+ countries across six continents, means WIKA has a manufacturing presence in all corners of the globe. In a Logistic Workshop, WIKA works with our partners to find that just-right balance of cost and supply chain stability.

Value Innovation Workshop

How can your enterprise stand out from among your competitors, especially international manufacturers with low labor costs and lower margins? One way to do that is to stop fighting head on with them. Instead, use innovations to create your own market space. The Value Innovation Workshop (VIW) brings together the brainpower of WIKA’s experts with your teams from R&D, engineering, operations, and customer service. A typical VIW focuses on:

  • Eliminating out-of-date or unneeded product features or manufacturing processes
  • Ensuring that all new products and processes meet the latest industry standards
  • Ensuring that in-demand products and product features are at or above current industry standards
  • Identifying important new functions and seeking innovation in new product design

A VIW helps you create more value for your customers while simultaneously reducing your costs. Call or email the WIKA technical sales staff. Discover the many advantages of a strategic partnership with WIKA in the increasingly crowded market for mobile working machines.

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